Wednesday, August 06, 2008

McCain Adopts Cheney's Energy Plan

By Jason Leopold
August 7, 2008

Now echoing those views, McCain declares repeatedly, “We need to drill here and we need to drill now.” Beyond opening up large tracts of protected coastal waters for oil exploration, McCain has called for a massive expansion of nuclear power.

Read on.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Leopold, careful what can of worms you open.

Barack Obama voted for the energy bill that was largely crafted in secret -- and was referred to as the Dick Cheney Energy Bill -- in 2005.

John McCain (and, as it happens, Hillary Clinton) voted against the Dick Cheney Energy Bill.

Anonymous said...

At the CBS News website:

“Barack Obama voted for Vice President Cheney’s energy bill while John McCain stridently opposed it – that Obama-supported bill included billions in tax subsidies for oil companies including ExxonMobil. Barack Obama is conveniently ignoring his record of weak leadership, but that doesn’t mean voters will.” McCain spokesman, Tucker Bounds said.