Tuesday, August 12, 2008

WPost and the Great Disconnect

By Robert Parry
August 13, 2008

On Tuesday, the sub-head for the Washington Post’s lead editorial read, “The West confronts an unfamiliar sight: a nation bent on conquest.”

The nation in question, of course, was Russia and the “conquest” was its border clash with neighboring Georgia over two breakaway provinces that want to join the Russian Federation.

Read on.


racom said...

Still more of the blind leading the blind with the wp closely examineing the russian action and looking the other way about this countries Iraq invasion. I can't believe these idiots can publish this garbage with a straight face, it's no wonder their readers are leaving. I appreciate the stomack you, Robert Parry and associates, have in covering this sickening, hypocritical publication. I gave up on them long ago, just can't make myself spend any time on wp, nyt,lat, etc. Our fourth branch of government has gone awol and turned up in the enemy camp!

karim29007 said...

As usual my many thanks to Mr. Robert Perry to stand against check-book journalism which has been the norm within the main-stream ZIONISTS' OWNED AND CONTROLLED media, including the likes of NYT, WP, etc.

On the same subject and same editorial, there was also a "Piece" by Robert Kagan, tearing his heart out about the violation of human rights by the Russians!!

Now, this is same extreme war criminal whose hands are drenched in the blood of more than 1.200.000 women, children and IRAQIS men, by plotting and participating in the invasion and destruction of a sovereign nation to satisfy the requirements of the ZIONISTS.

I look forward to the day when these criminals, the Bush regime and their ZIONISTS' pay-masters sitting side-by-side in the HAGUE.

M Henri Day said...

The discouraging thing is that a more honest approach to US foreign policy is unlike to reign in the White House or in the editorial offices of the Washington Post after 20 January 2009. Folow the money !...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great article, Robert.
I wonder if the great disconnect is new, or ongoing since the Iraq invasion or has beyond. I suspect it has always existed but has only gotten bolder and balder in recent times.

As a 26 year old, I wonder if my feelings towards the baby boomers are what they felt toward their elders 30 years ago, or if it's even worse. I'm sickened, disgusted and filled with utter contempt and hatred for the entire national operation. I understand their secondary goal is to harden and numb anyone underneath so as to prevent them from becoming meaningful competition to their system, but I have to confess it's working. I can't stand to think about all of this much more.

Thanks for keeping this site running and producing.

Anonymous said...

You write about "the great disconnect" (which is more accurately described as "the great conspiracy") as if you were not included among the journalists and news outlets that ignore important stories. As much as I have admired some of your commentary, I am equally disgusted that you refuse to write about how the 2000 and 2004 national elections were won through massive voter fraud. I am espeically disappointed that you choose to ignore how the Republicans have alread disenfranchised more than six million voters for the election in November. Such silence borders on treason, I am sad to write. Without fair and honest elections, the ship of state is dead in the waters. Is there a more important story? Of course not! Then, why are you silent?

Anonymous said...

Why is the US Air Force delivering humanitarian supplies? Is this Administration trying to put US soldiers in harms way to start a new war????!!!!!