Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lieberman's Weak Record on Oversight

By Jason Leopold
November 13, 2008

Most of the attention on whether Joe Lieberman should be ousted from his Senate committee chairmanship has focused on his disloyalty to Democrats and his control of homeland security issues, but there’s also the question of how well he has handled his panel’s broad government oversight responsibilities.

Read on.


Anonymous said...

Boost the turn-coat out!. It's
time for the Democratic Party to
be a little pickey about who we are allowing to run our country. Before long, we'll look like the
Republicans and allow our country to degrde like it has the past 8
years. Show some backbone!!!

Anonymous said...

Boost the turn-coat out!. It's
time for the Democratic Party to
be a little pickey about who we are allowing to run our country. Before long, we'll look like the
Republicans and allow our country to degrde like it has the past 8
years. Show some backbone!!!