Monday, April 20, 2009

GOP's Civil Liberties Hypocrisy

By Nat Parry
April 20, 2009

Just as Republicans have refashioned themselves as fiscal conservatives in the age of Obama, apparently forgetting that they allowed a budget surplus to be transformed into a record deficit while George W. Bush was President, they now seem to be taking up the cause of civil liberties – at least as far as right-wing groups are concerned.

Read on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If President Barack Obama gets his way, the "Business of the country will be debt"

Remember when the Congressional Budget Office was called the Non Partisan CBO ? Remember when it was considered the gold standard of economic projections ? Well that was all before the Obama Administration. The CBO didn't change, they just had the nerve to disagree with the President's projections.

According to the CBO, the Obama administration lowballed its deficit forecast by $482 billion over the next four years and $2.3 trillion over the next 10. In other words, the CBO says that 10-year deficits will be 33% higher than the president claims, should his plans get enacted. Based on the Congressional Budget office report next year two thirds of the output of the United States will be National Debt, and in 2015 it will be over 80%.

If President Obama gets his way, our national debt will be taken where no national debt has gone before. And for the United States it may very well be, the final frontier:
Taking Debt To The Next Frontier

In his budget message, the president says "the time has come to usher in a new era of responsibility." But a new report shows the only thing his budget delivers is an unprecedented era of deficits and debt.