Wednesday, July 30, 2008

WPost Calls Out 'Uppity' Obama

By Robert Parry
July 31, 2008

At this pivotal moment in American history, the major U.S. news media is back to its old game of drawing sweeping character judgments about a presidential candidate based on misleading “quotes,” a sickening replay of other recent elections.

The latest example of this wearisome gamesmanship was a column by the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, who distorted a reported quote from Sen. Barack Obama at a closed Democratic caucus and used it to prove Obama was a “presumptuous nominee.”

Read on.


Anonymous said...

Whenever there is any criticism of anything Obama did or said, his supporters (who some call Obamabots) always tell us his statements were taken out of content. The Post article said nothing about him being "an uppity Negro", it merely pointed out very clearly that he was acting as if he was President(God forbid) already. The man is just another egotistical politician, who some call a puppet and others an empty suit. Personally, I will not vote for one who thinks there are 58 states in the US and that "his Presidential term" might last 8 to 10 months. So much for a Harvard education? said...

Spin, Spin, Spin! Everything that was said in this article was taken out of context. I can't believe that the neocon editors of the Post are still supporting the positions of GWB by bashing Obama. That leaves McCain. All he has is his war record.He is so out of touch that the late Tim Russert has to play too videos completely contradicting eachother of things said by John McCain. As far as his trip to Germany is concerned, he is at least trying to put the USA in a better light than the world view us now. We certainly need that. The last 8 years have been devastating for the USA in the eyes of the world due the the "brillance" of GWB! As far as anonnymous is concerned, obviously he/she has never been in a campaign. There are times when due to fatigue, you will say something really dumb and then wonder what you were thinking. Give Obama a break! He is intellegent, diplomatic,well-spoken, and has a genuine concern for ALL people and not just the wealthy. I for one would prefer those qualities over a GWB clone. My vote goes to Obama!

Anonymous said...

Dana Milbank may be a putz. But, it is so-called independent investigative journalists who are pushing the "uppity" theme.

Arrogance and uppitiness are not one and the same.

Obama is arrogant. But, no one of import is referring to him as uppity.

Arrogance is being conflated into uppitiness by Obama supporters. His supporters and idol worshippers should stop using "code words" -- it just keeps the theme going.