Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fatal Flaws of Bush's 'Tough-Guy-ism'

By Robert Parry
March 26, 2007

The showdown over Iraq War funding will test the political appeal of George W. Bush’s dominant foreign policy approach – what might be called “tough-guy-ism” – the concept of picking fights and battling until “victory” whatever the ghastly cost.

“Tough-guy-ism” is a philosophy with its own historical narrative, which was put on display by Bush’s Republican defenders during the March 23 debate on a House bill to condition Iraq War funding on a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. combat forces.

Read on.


SirScud said...
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SirScud said...

Robert, I felt inspired to share this pic after reading this article.
John McCain has taken to parading around in a leather flight jacket and telling revisionist war stories at his town hall meetings lately.