Thursday, July 02, 2009

The Bible's Odd Idea of Marriage

By the Rev. Howard Bess
July 2, 2009

“Marriage is a cultural thing.” So began a very good sermon that I recently heard by the Rev. Diane O’Connell at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Anchorage, Alaska.

Read on.



With all due respect to my fellow being the reverend, whom is accepted as a fine and decent fellow unless proven otherwise, I support his "faith' in his bible and whatever other religious artifacs he chooses to use, until that is, the application-either verbal or physical ofwhat is clearly a man-made creation traditionally used by those in power or seeking it, to control and manipulate.
Marriage is only one of the areas that the bible is totally at odds with the better sides of humanity and life in general, as often as not expouses the very worst.
While it is certainly true many individuals of "faith" are benevilent and of great benefit to society and other individuals, but my experience is that people of all persuasions likewise love and serve, as it is our free nature to do so, with and without any "religion".
All too often, religions are shown to hinder and even act against the best of humanity.
As I opened this, I repeat: More power to you, as you go about your truely good works, my brother...
~John L.


With all due respect to my fellow being the reverend, whom is accepted as a fine and decent fellow unless proven otherwise, I support his "faith' in his bible and whatever other religious artifacs he chooses to use, until that is, the application-either verbal or physical ofwhat is clearly a man-made creation traditionally used by those in power or seeking it, to control and manipulate.
Marriage is only one of the areas that the bible is totally at odds with the better sides of humanity and life in general, as often as not expouses the very worst.
While it is certainly true many individuals of "faith" are benevilent and of great benefit to society and other individuals, but my experience is that people of all persuasions likewise love and serve, as it is our free nature to do so, with and without any "religion".
All too often, religions are shown to hinder and even act against the best of humanity.
As I opened this, I repeat: More power to you, as you go about your truely good works, my brother...
~John L.