Friday, March 19, 2010

Protesting a Defiler of US Principles

By Ray McGovern
March 19, 2010

This morning I was reading the 11th grade AP American History textbook used in my granddaughter here in Charlottesville.

Read on.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Ray for shining light into the maw of the darkness that has descended upon the centerpiece of our constitutional heritage. We have had to bear this usurpation and deception as one in many throughout history. It stems from the belief by the few that they are for whatever reason above the constitutional constraints and rule of law that enshrine our democracy. These usurpers are engaged in a conspiracy to nullify all of the gains we have made from the time of Magna Carta of 1215. These usurpers of our order of government must be called out and shouted down, and all their co-conspirators identified. These are serious times and all of us are in debt to those of our citizens who hold true to our constitution, laws and values... Thank You Ray for your BRAVE efforts in the behalh of all Americans.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ray McGovern,

I admire your truth-telling, which I've run across on an assortment of websites during the last year.

What I haven't run across is a practical plan and organizational structure for us to get control of our government and achieve the true representative democracy we need.

After voracious research in recent months, I've made a unique conclusion. My action plan and structure are offered in this new website:

I invite you, sir, and all readers.

James Laffrey