Saturday, December 11, 2010

Big Media's Curious Nixon Judgment

By Robert Parry
December 11, 2010

When Richard Nixon’s presidential library this week released tapes of him making bigoted remarks about blacks, Jews and various ethnic groups, major American news outlets jumped at the juicy details, recounting them on NBC's Nightly News, in the New York Times and elsewhere.

Read on.


Ethan Allen said...

An excellent and timely synopsis of these dark and corrupt historical events Robert. It certainly seems that some sort of citizens class action grievance could be brought if such a lawsuit could be framed properly; especially beings we still have no statute of limitations on murder and treason and these crimes were committed in the name of the U.S. citizens.
This piece deserves wide distribution; I plan to do my share.

me said...

Nothing at all surprising about this. The media is thoroughly corrupt. And people are thoroughly stupid, so they believe whatever the corporations tell them.

The corporations are a political party, one that holds control over government and the media. And it's still getting worse! We haven't seen the limit of this yet, and may never in our lifetimes.

Blue Heron said...

Really appreciate this column. The Nixon Administration essentially wasted countless lives in not accepting the earlier and essentially same terms from the first Paris go round. Purely for political expediency.