Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Price of America's Prison Gulags

By Anthony Gregory
February 17, 2009

A three-judge panel has tentatively ruled that “[t]he California prison system must reduce overcrowding by as many as 55,000 inmates within three years to provide a constitutional level of medical and mental health care,” according to the New York Times.

Read on.


James Young said...

Anybody who calls America's prisons --- which are not pleasant, I am sure --- "gulags" should probably be hit over the head with an unabridged version of Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" once a day, doubling every day, until they can tell the difference between the two.

Anonymous said...

It is sad our prison system has become so much like the gulag system of the former Soviet Union. We use fear to sell the public these prisons. We have built the largest prison system in the world now dominated by free enterprise. While the stocks of most large corporations in the United States has fallen during these hard economic times, private prisons flourish , the outrageous war on drugs used as a catalyst to keep them full. Supported by a conservative right, there is nothing conservative about these prisons. They suck billions of our tax dollars that in turn is stolen from education and health care. There is nothing more Un-American today than our disgraceful prison system sold to us under the guise of public safety!