Wednesday, July 01, 2009

America's Matrix

By Robert Parry
July 1, 1009 (Originally posted June 2, 2003)

“The Matrix” and its sequel, “The Matrix Reloaded,” offer a useful analogy for anyone trying to make sense of the chasm that has opened between what’s real and what Americans perceive is real.

Read on.

1 comment:

Brad said...

Good article. I'm a chemist, I've made hydrogen. When I read the CIA white paper I discovered that it reported that all the things needed to make hydrogen were found on the trailers: tanks for water, aluminum, lye. Curiously (well, not really - it's part of the deception) the lye wasn't called lye, it was called "caustic." Curiously (same), the white paper fails to point out that all the things needed to make hydrogen were found.

It should also be noted that eventually, in the Duelfer report, the CIA finally did publish an objective analysis of the trailers and that objective analysis concluded they most probably were for the generation of hydrogen. It should be further noted that this conclusion was reached by a team of experts sent to Iraq to examine the trailers. They reported back to Washington shortly before the white paper was issued. That report is still classified. The Obama administration should be asked to declassify that report.

It can also be noted that the white paper is flawed in many ways, not the least of which is its backwards logic. The white paper supposedly corroborates the pre-war claims that Iraq had such mobile WMD culture labs. The white paper does this by citing the pre-war claims. That means the claims are corroborated ... by the claims. Even non-scientists ought to recognize that's a non-starter.

I have to believe the professionals at the CIA are far better than what the white paper makes them look to be. In the Duelfer report a real analysis is made. If there are such things as analysts at the CIA it has to be that they routinely and regularly operate far more intelligently and competently than the white paper.

The cooling unit on the trailers is significant. Who has made beer, who has baked bread? Both of those are biological culture processes. If you want to have the process be efficient then you must have good control over the temperature - right? A mere cooling unit provides no such control. If you've made hydrogen by the reaction used you know, from experience, that there's also a lot of heat evolved. If that heat isn't removed then the reaction mixture will boil, causing big problems. That cooling unit is fine for that. Rather than being evidence for illicit WMD culture the cooling unit is evidence for hydrogen manufacture. Tha thte original CIA drawings of a mobile WMD culture lab shows no temperature control shows how amateurish those drawings were. Apparently no biologist who had ever done a culture was involved in that early CIA effort (to creatively speculate on what a mobile WMD culture lab would look like.)