Monday, March 17, 2008

Iraq War as War Crime (Part One)

By Robert, Sam and Nat Parry
March 18, 2008

Iraq’s “Day of Liberation” – as George W. Bush called it – was supposed to begin with a bombardment consisting of 3,000 U.S. missiles delivered over 48 hours, 10 times the number of bombs dropped during the first two days of the Persian Gulf War in 1991.

Officials, who were briefed on the plans, said the goal was to so stun the Iraqis that they would simply submit to the overwhelming force demonstrated by the U.S. military. Administration officials dubbed the strategy “shock and awe.”

Read on.


Anonymous said...

this article is just so hot there isn't anyone else interested!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was interested until the authors fabricated a lie:

"After that alarming estimate, Shinseki was pushed into early retirement and drew a public rebuke from Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, who called Shinseki “wildly off the mark.”"

General Shinseki had his retirement date set fourteen months before he appeared before congress and still retired at his selected time. He completed his tour as the Chief of Staff just the same as those before him, not more, not less.

General Shinseki was not the Combatant Commander of the invasion, it was General Franks. Yes, General Shinseki was right but then again he was not the one to decide how many go and how many stay.

Anonymous said...


There is a mistake in the article: It's not true "Shinseki was pushed into early retirement" but apart from that it's excellent and to say, "authors fabricated a lie" is ridiculous.


bill said...


There is a mistake in the article: It's not true "Shinseki was pushed into early retirement" but apart from that it's excellent and to say, "authors fabricated a lie" is ridiculous.


Wed Mar 19, 11:08:00 AM 200


If we dismissed every article in support of this war that had an error or misstatement, then there would be no articles left in support this insane war.